while studying geography, i came across a sentence : the most striking features of ladakhare high mountains and aridity .

what does the word aridity mean?

 aridity means:-
 a deficiency of moisture especially when resulting from a permanent absence of rainfall


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Aridity means without moisture, parched and very dry. 

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aridity means: Lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or woody plants: an arid climate

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Ans-Aridity means a deficiency of moisture especially when resulting from a permanent absence of rainfall.

In hindi it means सूखा (noun).

Its Synonyms are

barrenness, fruitlessness, aridness, thirstiness




  1. the quality of yielding nothing of value
  2. a deficiency of moisture (especially when resulting from a permanent absence of rainfall)

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Aridity means the lack of moisture in the atmosphere. For e.g Rajashtan is arid region.

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