Why are water and roughage essential parts of our body ?

Water and roughage are an important parts of our diet because they help in the removal of waste from our body in the form if stools and sweat and urine.
Water keeps our body hydrated.
It also regulates the blood pressure .
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Roughage?or dietary Fiber is the indigestible?portion?of plant foods.They do not provide any nutrient to?our body. ...?Water?forms 60-65% ofour body?and it is extremely?important as it provides the medium in which various reactions of?our body?occur and it also provides the medium for transportation of substances.
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Hi saurya
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How did you know me aritra
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I don't know you
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Because you're my friend.
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I am not your friend who are you aritra
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Don't joke saurya
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You be accepted my friend request.
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Hi saurya.
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I am not joking i dont know you who. Are you
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Who are you aritra tell me ??????
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I'm your friend
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How did you know my name then?
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I have read your name in your id
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Same me too!
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Why did you cancel the fepriend request.?
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Importance of roughage and water

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