Why did indians help the British in world war 1st

Indians helped the British in world war 1 due to the following reasons:
1.  They were forced by the Britishers to participate as soldiers in the war.
2.   Indian economical and political condition was very poor and was in direct control of the British and so had to follow orders                 given by the Britishers.
3.  Many Indian political parties thought that if Indians helped Britishers in the war then they (Britishers) would listen to their                  appeal of Swaraj or at least a self administrative government.           

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indians thought if they help british in world war 1 they woud get freedom thats why indians helped briish

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The Indians helped the British in World War 1 as they thought that the British would be more sympathetic towards them aftter the war.

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The Indian soldiers fought with the British in the First World War having a hope that British would give them freedom but the British utilized this opportunity to strenghten their power in India.

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Before India country ' s independence It was very sensitive . They do whatever the British told them to do To only earn their freedom .

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The Indians were Forced to do so

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