Why do we need a Government???

We need government for the following reasons:

  • to keep the territory held together .
  • to protect us from law breakers .
  • to keep our day-to-day lives stable and safe .
  • to protect us from foreign invasions .
  • to help the exchange of money, goods, and trade with other countries .
  • to provide for the safety and protection of the citizens.
  • to protect the rights of the citizens.
  • to provide social order, security, public services, and economic systems for the citizens.

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f you believe people are bad, and we need protection from them, then wouldn't those in our government be bad too (If not worse)? If you believed people are good (stupidity, in my opinion) than what would the point of government be? If some are good, and some are bad, then the bad could easily get to the top before the good could, if you think about it. Would you rather give a few bad power over all of us or be equal to them?

Now, if we didn't have government, imagine that society. 1930's Spain had several of it's largest cities taken over by anarchists, and they set up a society completely anarchic that improved their situation (until the fascist franco came in and destroyed it). Since new years of 1994 Chiapas Mexico has been under control of the Zapatistas, who are for the most part anarchic, and life their has greatly improved and the people are happier. You can say anarchism would fail, but it has always worked. If it failed, we wouldn't be here. Our ancestors back in the hunter-gatherer stage didn't have government, and we're still here so clearly it must've worked.

Their can be cops in anarchism. Their can be fire departments, laws and many other things. In a way, their is a government, but instead of it being top-down like we have today, it'd be bottom-up. People in the times of monarchs would hear the word democracy and look at it the same way we look at the word anarchy. We're basically programmed to think this is as good as it gets, when its not. This is what I think.

Do you think we need government?

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We need Government for the following reasons :

  • To keep the territory held together.
  • To protect us from law breakers.
  • To keep our day-to-day lives stable and safe.
  • To protect us from foreign invasions.
  • To help the exchange of money, goods, and trade with other countries.
  • To provide for the safety and protection of the citizens.
  • To protect the rights of the citizens.
  • To provide social order, security, public services, and economic systems for the citizens.
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