why do we need to conserve resources

Resource- An object that has a utility and holds a value is known as  resource. For eg- coal, petroleum etc.

It is important to conserve  resources because of the following reasons:-

  • A majority of resources are limited & exhaustible.
  •  Human population & their needs are increasing at a tremendous rate
  • Need to conserve resources for future generations.
  • It determine the economic condition of nation.

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To maintain an ecologocal balance in the ecosystem.

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resources are very helpful without them we would still be living like the stone age.we should conserve it so as that the people in the future can also use it and we live in luxury but not at the cost of our natural habitat and enviorment.if we do not conserve our esources we are the ultimate loser as we will ourselves decrease our luxury given to us by the resources
moreover it will cause ecological unbalance which will finally lead us and our earth and life to death

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We should conserve our resources because as we use them we are participating to global warming by all the harmful gases coming from the factories and cars, and as the population increases the resources decrease

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