Why do you think that humans didn't move from Africa for so many years?What may have caused them to begin moving out of Africa.

Dear Student,

Please refer the points below:

a. There is a lot of debate and arguments as to why Early humans leave Africa and what may have caused them to move .
b.It is important to note that it is believed that there was no mass exodus of early humans from Africa initially.
c. They did not move rather for many years.
d. Their movement later can be identified by many factors as suggested by anthropologist like that of population expansion, climate change.
e.Then the rise of empires, development of agriculture contributed to global migration.
f.The fact that they did not move earlier has to do with climatic factors and less population.


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Early human migrations are the earliest migrations and expansions of archaic and modern?humans?across continents and are believed to have begun approximately 2 million years ago with the early expansions of hominins?out of Africa?of Homo erectus.
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