Why in letters addressed to principal is not in accordance with the format of formal letters ?

- The letter addressed to a principal follows the format of a formal letter. A sample formal letter is given below:

23, Defence Colony,
New Delhi-110022 
3 December, 20xx
The Editor,
The Times of India,
New Delhi-110018
Subject: Need to protect wildlife
I am a regular reader of your newspaper and wish to use the columns of your esteemed daily to bring to the notice of the public the urgent need to conserve wildlife.

Man's greed and over population has led to deforestation to create land for buildings and housing complexes. Animals such as tiger, elephant, rhino, snake, bear and many others are killed indiscriminately for their skin, fur, teeth or horns. These parts are used as decorative items or in medicines. The imbalance caused in nature due to population, pollution and abuse of natural resources has led to the food chain getting disturbed. Many species of animals are on the verge of extinction. Poaching needs to be contained, strict laws should punish offenders.

I hope that the public and concerned authorities will take appropriate steps to protect the wildlife.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

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