Why is Carbonic water often prescribed to treat acidity? Explain in details.

Dear student

Carbonated water is water that has carbon dioxide added to it under pressure and dissolved it it.
Cabonated water is a base, thus it helps in curing indigestion thus treating acidity in the stomach or oesophagus by neutralising the excess acid present.


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Carbonated water is a base, and counteracts high acid levels chemically.
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It has nacl (sodium chloride {table salt})
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​@Tanisha , Arunaya: Thank You! I just wanted the explanation that if NaCl is present in the Carbonic water, then how the presence of NaCl would in Carbonic Acid would help to treat the problem of Acidity. So, As mentioned the answer should be a little conceptual and explained ones.
@ Suraj: Thank You! You tried to make a detailed answer.  But, I want a little more explained answer, which I think can be explained in a better way the experts.

Thanking All!
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