Why NH4 + has a positive charge?  I read that NH3 has a lone pair which it uses to become positive but how? 

Dear student

It should be NH4+ , which is the ammonium ion.

Ammonia (NH3) is electrically neutral, while ammonium is a postively charged ion (NH4 +). 

Ammonium is the form of nitrogen that aquatic plants can absorb and incorporate into proteins, amino acids, and other molecules. Ammonium is a waste product of metabolism in animals, and high concentrations can enhance the growth of algae and aquatic plants. Bacteria can also convert high ammonium to nitrate (NO3 -), which lowers dissolved oxygen.

Ammonia, however, is commonly used as  fertilizer and general purpose household cleaner. Household ammonia (ammonium hydroxide) is a solution of NH3 in water and is used to clean glass, porcelain and stainless steel.

Hope this information will clear your doubts regarding the topic.

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