with example define nucleophile and electrophile, producer gas and water gas

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An electrophile is a reactant that can accept an electron pair to form a bond. Most electrophiles have either a positive charge or an atom with an incomplete octet. Example: H+,CH+3  and  AlCl3 .
nucleophile is a reactant that donates an electron pair to form a bond.All molecules or ions with a free pair of electrons or a π bond can act as nucleophiles.Example: Cl-,CH2=CH2
Producer gas is fuel gas that is manufactured from material such as coal, as opposed to natural gas. A combustible mixture of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen, generated by passing air with steam over burning coke or coal in a furnace and used as fuel. Also called air gas. CO+N2
Water gas is produced from synthesis gas, which is composed of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Syngas is a useful product, but requires careful handling due to its flammability and the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. The water-gas shift reaction can be used to reduce the carbon monoxide while producing additional hydrogen, resulting in water gas.


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