Write a paragraph on " Importance Of Yoga In Modern Age " ....

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Here is the answer:

Due to our busy lives we forget to give time to ourselves. As a result our health declines day by day. That is where yoga comes to play its role. While many of us believe that yoga is just about flexibility of the body, it’s actually much more. It is about building our core strength and improving our lives mentally as well as physically. Gentle movements are good for the joints, range of motion, blood circulation, and posture. Mentally, yoga is great for calming anxiety and relieving stress. Some yogasana such as Adho Mukhasvanasana – The Dog Pose, Vrikshasana – The Tree Pose, Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose can be easily done by children.  Yoga is great for students as it improves creativity, concentration and sharpens our memory. Moreover, yoga improves our muscle strength, stamina and mental stability. Everyone can practice yoga and it's never too late to start. With yoga in modern life, one can learn to breathe deeply, commit to healthy eating and transform into a person that loves life on a deeper level.


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