Write a short letter to a friend who has failed to take his defeat well.

Dear Student,

Please find the letter below:

56, Ashok Vihar,
New Delhi
28 February 2018
Bungalow No 05,
Peer Nagar,
Dearest Anjali,
Hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. I received your letter a few days back and got to know that unfortunately, you could not make it to the finals of the inter-college dance competition.
I am sure you must have put in a lot of hard work and time into reaching the semi-finals. But you should remember how an arrow has to be pulled back before it is released to strike its target. With every defeat, lies the possibility and hope for a better opportunity. So you should not ever lose heart or give up. Keep trying and better things will come your way!
I am earnestly waiting to meet you next month.



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