write a story whoch. begins with these lines last december i remember it was a sunny sunday and mummy thought it was an idle day to go out for a trek.We packed our things and began our trek. We had decided to cross...

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- We had decided to cross the river flowing through the valley and go across on the other side to trek up the mountain.
- The river was just a trickle then as it was summers.
- We crossed the river comfortably, jumping from one boulder to the other.
- We continued on our trek, soaking in the beautiful sights and sounds of the warm sunny day!
- After reaching the top of the mountain , we sat down to rest and eat our packed lunch.
- Suddenly, we witnessed a flash of lightning strike the opposite mountain and dark thunder clouds rolled in!
- By the time we came down the mountain, there were sheets of rain poring down from the black scary clouds.
- The trickle of water had turned into a proper river with fast-flowing water......
Continue the story based on your imagination.

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