Write an speech about sportman for 2 minutes

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
Dear student, below are points for a sportsman. If you require points for 'sportsmanship', then the answer given by Amanjot is appropriate.

- Dravid had to struggle a lot to make a mark in the ODIs.
- His growth in the team was slow yet surprising.
- He was sometimes criticised for his slow batting style.
- However, his efforts proved successful when he was recognised as one the best Indian cricketers.
- Dravid was aptly nicknamed 'The Wall' as he stood steadfast and strong in the face of opposition.
- His patience, composure and technical skill were impeccable on the field.
- Rahul Dravid is truly a cricketer par excellence.

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portsmanship means not only taking part in sports and playing the game in conformity with the rules prescribed, but also playing the game of the life in accordance with the spirit imbibed on the playing fields. A true sportsman observes all those rules in life which he has been taught to observe in games. One who has achieved skill or proficiency in games but has not learned to apply the principles of sports to life in general does not deserve to be true a sportsman. On the contrary, a man who gives evidence of possessing a strong spirit in the wider sphere of life but has not attained excellence in games is still a sportsman. Usually those who play games develop into true sportsman because their character is molded by the training they are gone on the field.?

Fair play, respect for discipline, recognition of the need for team work and cheerfulness even in the event of defeat are thus the dominant marks of a sportsman. It is evident that sportsmanship is something worthy of admirations. It is conducive to human happiness and welfare.?

Sportsmanship implies first fair play. In games if any player plays foul, the side to which he belongs is penalized. Similarly in bigger game of life one should always be fair in one?s dealing with others.?

Fairness, honesty, integrity, openness of heart and frankness - these are the qualities that a sportsman should display in life. One should not practice deceptions, should not bluff, should not cheat others and should indulge in diplomacy or humbleness. A sportsman never takes undue advantage of the weakness of his adversary nor does he hit below the bet.?
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