Write diary entry of chapter 3 "A man who knew too much" no link please

Dear Student,

You have not mentioned who is writing the diary. However, given below is a probable answer. Kindly refer to the Website to find the format of a diary entry.
  • I know why I have been sent here.
  • The corporal could not stand the fact that I know much more than him.
  • But, why should I hide back the things I know? Why should others not benefit from my knowledge?
  • If they think they have gained victory aver me by allotting these cook house duties, they are mistaken.
  • I'll do justice to my duty wherever I am posted. Here, in the cook house, I don't feel anything happens in a wrong manner.
  • If I know something is wrong, I'll say it is wrong and ought not to be done.
  • Knowledge itself is power and is not needed to be borrowed from anybody.
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