write difference between shadow and image

Shadow is formed light is blocked by an Opaque object shadow is always black in colour whatever the colour of an object Shadow will always give a black colour Shadow can only be obtained on a screen only translucent and Opaque objects can form the shadow Opaque object block the light completely so it can form a completely Dark Shadow and translucent object block the light partially so it can form a faint Shadow but they both form Shadows and it also depends upon the thickness of an object like suppose if an object is transparent but it has thick layer outside the outline will form a shadow because it is thick. Shadow can be longer or shorter

Images formed when light is reflected by an object images has always colour unlike Shadow whatever the colour of the object is image will always give the same colour of that object and shape also image will be always exactly the same size of the object anything can form an image a transparent objects can form a image translucent object can form image and and Opaque object can also former image the image will not be completely if you put any e pink object for an image then the image will always give you Pink image

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Shadow is always black in color and image can be colorful.
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