Write short note on horticulture

Horticulture?is the science and art of growing?plants?(fruits, vegetables, flowers, and any other?cultivar). It also includes?plant conservation,?landscape restoration,?soil management, landscape and?garden design, construction, and maintenance, and?arboriculture. In contrast to?agriculture, horticulture does not include?large-scale crop productionor?animal husbandry.

Horticulturists apply their knowledge, skills, and technologies used to grow intensively produced plants for human food and non-food uses and for personal or social needs. Their work involves?plant propagation?and cultivation with the aim of improving plant growth, yields, quality, nutritional value, and resistance to insects, diseases, and environmental stresses. They work as gardeners, growers, therapists, designers, and technical advisors in the food and non-food sectors of horticulture. Horticulture even refers to the growing of plants in a field or garden.
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Horticulture is a part of of agriculture which mainly includes growing of plants of fruits and vegetables India is second largest producer of horticulture crops after China important vegetable crops of India are cauliflower for brinjal cabbage exit and in India mangoes of Maharashtra are famous Orange of Cherrapunji and Nagpur bananas of South Indian reasons like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka etc
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horticulture does not include large-scale crop production or animal husbandry.Horticulturists apply their knowledge, skills, and technologies used to grow intensively produced plants for human food and non-food uses and for personal or social needs.
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The word horticulture comes from the Latin word hortus meaning "garden" and cult?ra which is "cultivation". Horticulturists work and conduct research in the disciplines of plant propagation and cultivation, crop production, plant breeding and genetic engineering, plant biochemistry, and plant physiology. Their work is to improve crop yield, quality, nutritional value, and resistance to insects, diseases, and environmental stresses. Horticulture usually refers to gardening on a smaller scale.

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Horticulture is the branch ofagriculture .horticulture is the science and art involved in the cultivation, propagation, processing and marketing of ornamental plants, flowers, turf, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. It is unique among plant sciences because it not only involves science and technology, but it also incorporates art and principles of design.Horticulture deals with intensively cultured and high-value crop
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It is a type of agriculture specially for the growing of flowers , fruits , vegetables. In this the farms are small . It is very intensively cultivated . the vegetables may be grown in fields or glass houses . soil fertility is maintained by adding of manures and fertilizers . most work is done by hand labour .
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Most appropriate answer for 10th class

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horticulture does not include large-scale crop production or animal husbandry.Horticulturists apply their knowledge, skills, and technologies used to grow intensively produced plants for human food and non-food uses and for personal or social needs.
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Horticulture is a part of of agriculture which mainly includes growing of plants of fruits and vegetables India is second largest producer of horticulture crops after China important vegetable crops of India are cauliflower for brinjal cabbage exit and in India mangoes of Maharashtra are famous Orange of Cherrapunji and Nagpur bananas of South Indian reasons like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka etc
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