Write the summary of the three stories from the glimpses of india.

Dear Student,
Given below is the answer to your question.

There are three stories mentioned in the chapter. They are as follows.
  1. A baker from goa.
    • In this lesson, we will see the importance of the baker in a Goan society.
    • The pader would usually bake fragrant (and delicious!) loaves of bread for the elders.
    • Marriage gifts would be incomplete without the traditional bol, a sweet bread.
    • The pader would bake a lot of bread, and load it all onto his bamboo basket.
    • He would go around to all the houses, selling bread.
    • He'd sell the bread to the maid-servant of the house.
    • His specially made bamboo stick would jingle, attracting the attention of the household.
    • The pader came dressed in a kabai.
    • The pader collects his fees every month, which would be accounted/calculated on a wall.
  2. Coorg
    • Coorg is so beautiful that it is said to have drifted from the kingdom of God.
    • The land comprises of martial men, beautiful women and wild creatures.
    • The climatic conditions are perfect for all.
    • There are many colonial bungalows and coffee estates.
    • The people are very independent. They have their origin from Greek or Arabic descent.
    • Most of their beliefs and traditions stem from Hindu religion.
  3. Tea from Assam
    • The lesson describes Assam as a state of high tea production.
    • Assam is believed to have the largest concentration of plantations in the world.
    • This large production of tea is the reason why it is called the 'tea country'.
I hope you find this answer helpful. Please post more questions on the forum to be assisted by our team.                
Thank you. 

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