Write to the District Collector asking for the grant of old age pension.
Hints : District worker – retired in 2011 – visited the department many times – no money – depend on this help – thrown out of the house by relatives

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- I am ABC, a retired peon who worked in the District Magistrate's office from 1996 to 2011.
- This is to bring to your notice that despite many reminders and visits to the concerned department, my old age pension has still not been released.
- My pension reference number is 237PRN/2011.
- You are requested to look into the matter and give immediate orders for release of my pension.
- Having been turned out of the house by my children, my pension is my sole source of income and means of survival.
- Hoping for prompt redressal of grievance.

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What are you looking for?