you are medical student one of your known person shows you his ECG report to you and you tried to explain that person that their may be a slight problem in the report and a doctor's consultation is required as youar mere student he requested you not to share his information with others 
a) what is ECG draw electocardiogram of normal and abnormal conditions and name what its each part represent
b) what value you infer about the medical ethics ( please help me out immediately)

Dear Student,

Please find the answer to your above query -

Quest (a)
Electrocardiogram is
a graphical representation of the cardiac cycle produced by an electrograph.

The diagrammatic representation of a standard ECG is shown below.

A typical human electrocardiogram has five waves – P, Q, R, S, and T. The P, R, and T-waves are above the base line and are known as positive waves. The Q and S-waves are below the base line and are known as negative waves. The P-wave is of atrial origin, while the Q, R, S, and T-waves are of ventricular origin.

(a) The P-wave indicates atrial depolarisation. During this wave, the impulse of contraction is generated by the SA node. The PQ-wave represents atrial contraction.

(b) The QR-wave is preceded by ventricular contraction. It represents the spread of the impulse of contraction from the AV node to the wall of the ventricle. It leads to ventricular depolarisation.

(c) The RS-wave represents ventricular contraction of about 0.3 sec.

(d) The ST-wave represents ventricular relaxation of about 0.4 sec. During this phase, the ventricles relax and return to their normal state.

(e) The T-wave represents ventricular relaxation.

Ques (b) 
The values showed by the student are -
1) Care for Others
2) Awareness
3) Sensing and Perception of the situation

Hope this will clear your doubts.

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