​You are Sameer/ Siya, of 69 Vivek Vihar. The roads of your area are in a bad condition with ditches and puddles everywhere. Write a letter to the Municipal Head to complain about the condition of the roads and requesting him to take some action for the same. Please experts answer fast.

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:
- I wish to utilise the columns of your esteemed daily to bring to the attention of the concerned authorities the bad condition of roads in the area where I reside.
- I am a resident of Star apartments in South Delhi.
- The condition of the roads in the area is extremely poor.
- There are potholes on roads that fill up with water during the rains.
- The roads are uneven and dangerous for drivers.
- Traffic jams and accidents are a result of this poor condition of roads.
- The concerned authorities need to repair the roads urgently and pave them to make them even and smooth.
- This will help avoid accidents and prevent traffic jams.  

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first know the format for formal leter then it is pretty easy later on
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