You are Shekhar/ Tripta a student of A.P Public School. Principals of two schools from Bhutan visited your school as part of a cultural exchange programme. Students of the school put up a cultural show in their honour. Write a report of the programme for your school magazine. (125-150 words)

Such questions need to be attempted on your own to test your creative writing skills. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- Our school felt privileged to host the principals of two schools from Bhutan last month as part of a cultural exchange programme.
- In their honour, a special assembly was organised by the Cultural Club of the school.
- Many different items were presented by the students: folk songs and dances from different regions of India, skits based on life in the rural and urban areas of India and a mime on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
- The delegates were impressed to see such talented students and such remarkably good presentations.
- They felt excited when the teachers of the school sang a song in Dzongkha, the official language of Bhutan!
- They expressed their admiration for the programme and their gratitude for the warm welcome they had received.
- The Cultural programme ended with an exchange of mementos between the principal of our school and the delegates.

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