You want to see a magic show.Write a diary entry expressing your feelings.(approx. 120 words)

i couldn't get the question !
if we wnat to see a magic show , actually there are no specified points but we can ...
 wednesday , 7 th of june 
12 :21 pm 
                                                           My desire to see a magic show
Dear diary , 
 Today was a very pleasant day ...i wished to go out for a long walk in this cool and calm whether in the early morning . On my way to the park , where generally the joggers came i saw a big poster with a big and colourful tiltle " The magic show "!!!!!. And interestingly the magic show was to going to be held in the auditorium which was very much nearer to my house . So i decided to inform my parents about this . 
In the evening when my parents very having a cup of tea , i ran towards them and described the whole story . To my suprise my mother denied , i didnt also had that much courage to counterask my mother for the reason denying .I didnt utter a single word and went back to my room .
No problem one day i would surely see a magic show .


hope u like this !!
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