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Board Paper of Class 12-Science Term-I 2021 Math Delhi(Set 4) - Solutions

General Instructions:
(i) This question paper comprises 50 questions out of which 40 questions are to be attempted as per instructions. All questions carry equal marks.
(ii) The question paper consists three Sections – Section A, B and C.
(iii) Section – A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions from Q.No. 1 to 20.
(iv) Section – B also contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions from Q.No. 21 to 40.
(v) Section – C contains 10 questions including one Case Study. Attempt any 8 from Q.No. 41 to 50.
(vi) There is only one correct option for every Multiple Choice Question (MCQ). Marks will not be awarded for answering more than one option.
(vii) There is no negative marking.
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