Top 5 Myths About IIT-JEE

The Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination (IIT-JEE) is considered as one of the toughest engineering examinations of the world with a success rate of around 1 in 160. Unlike any other exam, IIT-JEE is much more unconventional as the questions are not set from any particular book and are essentially designed to test your analytical skills and conceptual abilities along with the obvious calculation skills, attentiveness, etc. The format of the examination was changed from the year 2012-13 to a new format which comprises of JEE Mains and JEE Advanced. JEE Mains, which is for admission in NITs (National Institute of Technology), CFTIs (Central Funded Technical Institute), IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology), etc., is equivalent to the previously held AIEEE. The top 1,50,000 rank holders of JEE Mains are eligible for JEE Advanced which is for the admissions in the IITs. IIT-JEE aspirants are always known to have fallen prey to various rumours, myths and misconceptions regarding the entrance examination and with the new format, the misconceptions are more than ever. Some of the myths that commonly float around much to the inconvenience of the aspirants are discussed below : 1. You have to study day in and day out to crack IIT-JEE: IIT-JEE aspirants usually have the notion that to be able to crack the entrance, you will have to study day in and day out without indulging in any extracurricular activities. This is false considering a rigorous routine of studying will only affect your health which in turn will affect your studies. Any wise student will opt for a well planned timetable which will not only save time but also help in covering all the subjects comprehensively and still leave time for extracurricular activities. 2. Coaching is a must for IIT-JEE: One of the biggest myths amongst students is that coaching is a must for IIT-JEE. This is absolutely wrong as more and more students these days are appearing for IIT-JEE without any coaching and only depending on class lectures, online tutorials, good study materials and self study. Reports submitted by IITs suggest that over 50% students have come through self study. Online tutorials like those offered by Meritnation are designed very systematically and provide you with step by step lessons as well as mock tests for overall preparation of IIT-JEE. 3. This IIT is better in Mechanical; that in Civil: It is a common misconception among the students that a particular IIT is good in a certain field in comparison with another. This is however false and such misconceptions should be avoided at all cost while selecting which IIT to study in. All IITs are known for good faculty and for providing great learning environment. 4. Your life will be perfect once you get into IIT: Having the preconception that once you get into an IIT your future is secure and your life is perfect is the biggest myth of all. IITs are just like all other engineering colleges and the basic thing is that, if you study well, you will do well; if you don't, you'll flunk. Period. 5. Few months of rigorous study is enough to crack IIT-JEE: Most IIT-JEE aspirants usually start preparing for the entrance from class 11 and they do it for at least 2 years along with their preparation for board exams. Studying rigorously for couple of months before the entrance will not suffice the requirement of IIT-JEE and will not be enough to cover all topics comprehensively. Avoid this myth at all cost as it will land you with a lot to cover in a very less time.

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