Alternate Career Options for Engineering Graduates

A degree in Bachelors of Technology is one of the most desirable ones in India today. Considered to be one of the most lucrative vocations in several sectors today, engineering courses have taken a major hike in the last few years. Thousands of students graduate from the many reputed institutes across the country and seek employment in different industrial and commercial sectors. While a majority of graduates look for opportunities in the engineering field itself, there are many who may want to try and explore other industries for a career. The scope of careers after an engineering degree includes opportunities in diverse fields in India and across the globe!

If you are among those people who want to take up a career away from the field of engineering, this piece of writing is for you. We have compiled a list of alternate careers for engineering students and graduates. Mentioned in brief here, these professions can be explored in depth and one can actually consider these as a future career. Some of the most popular careers for engineers are:

1. Entrepreneurship

The first in the list and the most distinct of them all. For people who do not wish to take up an everyday office, day job sort of a career, they may give entrepreneurship a thought. This vocation would be ideal for people who are inclined towards a business of their own. All you need is an idea to build upon and the mind to carry it to new levels of success.

2. Consultancy

For engineering graduates not looking for work in operations, a career in consultancy holds extremely lucrative opportunities. There are several ways in which consultancies can boost your career. As a technical consultant in a business firm, you can keep track of the market and its trends and play a role in the company's profitability. As a fresh graduate, you may go for in-depth research, and later on take up specialised sections.

3. Education

As an engineering graduate, you may also look at possibilities in the education sector. Once you have completed your graduation, you may apply for a diploma or degree in education, which allows you to practise teaching or lectureship. A new and exceptionally innovative area for engineering graduates to be working in is that of online education. Quite a few websites catering to engineering aspirants provide comprehensive tutorials and study material for engineering entrance exams like IIT JEE.

4. Operations management

Another interesting and career line for engineering graduates could be in operations. Operations Management refers to overseeing activities that connect the production of goods and their business. Decision-making, inventories, finance and communication of different departments are some of the key responsibilities involved in the process.

5. Supply Chain Management

Working in the field of supply chain involves physical movement and transfer of material for production or distribution. Working in this department also includes handling of finances that are to be transferred between dealers and consumers of the aforementioned material. An engineering background may make it easier to pick up technical knowledge, which will help when making business decisions.

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