Using These Chemistry Textbooks for JEE Preparation Helps you Perform Better!

Since the subject Chemistry is divided into Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry, the requirements of students studying Chemistry for JEE are even more diverse. You may have found that no one publication or author focuses on all three branches of the subjects, thereby making the studying process more time consuming. We have here, a list of books for you that solve the same problem. You may find the best books for each of the three branches below:

Physical Chemistry

1. Physical Chemistry for Competitions: OP Tandon

One of the most popular books for Physical Chemistry, OP Tandon's book is used incessantly for all engineering entrance exams. The book covers all topics in detail. You'll gain both in case of theoretical and practical type questions. The practice papers and solved questions are a huge benefit in this book. The best thing is, you also get OP Tandon books for Organic and Inorganic Chemistry.

2. Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations (RC Mukherjee)

This one's by far the best bet for Physical Chemistry. Well-explained topics and concepts, and varied styles of numerical questions in this book make it a one-stop solutions for JEE preparation of Physical Chemistry. The entire JEE syllabus for Physical Chemistry can be easily covered with this book. Other beneficial features include revision notes and solved questions in the end. The mole concept has been described well and questions are explained using the same.

Organic Chemistry

1. Organic Chemistry for Competitions (OP Tandon)

The book gives you a lot of scope to learn and revise. The text is well-formatted and revised to match the current trends of of the examination. The text is precise and short; hence, easy to understand. You can know and practise the most recent questions for Organic Chemistry for JEE. The type of questions included in the practice part include Multiple Choice Questions, reasoning and matching options.

2. Organic Chemistry (Morrison and Boyd)

The book covers almost all the topics in the JEE syllabus in good detail. You can strengthen your knowledge on Molecular Structure and other important topics from Organic Chemistry. Students prefer preparing Organic Chemistry for JEE with Morrison and Boyd owing to the interesting way in which even the most complex topics are made understandable. There are no substantial questions for practice purposes in the book, but it is ideal for understanding the concepts of Organic Chemistry for JEE.

Inorganic Chemistry

1. A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry (RK Gupta)

The theory is very well-explained for all the topics and chapters. There is good scope for revision and quick recaps with every chapter. Practise questions are available at the end of every chapter as well as the end of the book too, hence strengthens students' preparation. The type of questions included are comprehension, reasoning and assertion type of questions, MCQ's, short answers-questions and analytical questions.

2. Concise Inorganic Chemistry (JD Lee)

JD Lee's Chemistry book is among the most popular for Inorganic Chemistry, not just for JEE, but for other engineering entrances as well. The essentials are well-covered, and the practice questions are in abundance. The format of questions in the book includes MCQs, assertive -type and single choice questions. The practical and theory parts in the book are well-balanced too.

Apart from all these books, NCERT Class XI and XII books for all three subjects, i.e., Physics, Chemistry and Math would definitely help students preparing you for JEE, as the question patterns of the books and the exam are similar.

Hope the information helps you. For more interesting facts, guidelines, tutorials and study material for JEE, log on to: !

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